You can aggregate a collection of images into a Gif or MP4 video file.

For mp4_from_images

  • "images" is the array of source images
  • "output_size": "1280x480" (Dimensions of output video)
  • "framerate_fps": 30 (Framerate in fps)
  • "pad": true (If resized, whether to add padding or not)
  • "padding_color": "#ffffff" (Color of padding if added)
  • "total_frames": 180 (Optional, can define to "loop" a particular number of frames)


    "application_id": "YOUR_APP_ID",
    "src": "",
    "src_type": "pre_process_only",
    "pre_process": [{
            "mp4_from_images": {
                "images": [

                "output_size": "1280x480",
                "framerate_fps": 30,
                "pad": true,
                "padding_color": "#ffffff",
                "total_frames": 180,
                "s3_destination": {
                    "bucket": "YOUR_BUCKET",
                    "key": "YOUR_KEY.mp4"

For gif_from_images

  • "images" is the array of source images
  • "delay" is the milliseconds between frames
  • "autosharpen" is whether to autosharpen the images (if resized)


    "application_id": "YOUR_APP_ID",
    "src": "",
    "src_type": "pre_process_only",
    "pre_process": [{
            "gif_from_images": {
            "images" : [
            "output_size" : "200x200",
            "delay" : 500,
            "autosharpen" : true,
            "s3_destination": {
              "bucket": "YOUR_BUCKET",
              "key": "YOUR_KEY.gif"